R.E.S.C.U.E Resource Management

     Resource Control and Utilization Enhancement is Port Operator Resource Management IT-System. The largest port operator of Finland, Steveco, has been using this system since 2005. The system is called as "RESSU" in Steveco.


     Functionality at a glance, it ensures all resources are in control all the time and can be organized easily and rapidly on to a new position depending on a situation. Finally, system calculates worker hours, those hours are used as input for salary paying (billing, cost calculation), all 'extra' salary methods are supported when required. True hour/machine hours tell what has really happened during shift period. System also supports 'gang' grouping/handling which plays a major role in productivity calculations and comparisons.


     System includes several multifunction window screens provided with drag and drop functionality, all possible reports needed, for example different kind of resource summary reports, mates receipt and so on.

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Sed ut perspiciatis  
Omnis iste natus error sit
Sed ut perspiciatis  
Omnis iste natus error sit