For video improved product presentations, multimedia shows, shared just for known vip customers
Great tool for marketing department, design video presentations forehand and leave user-password on client side after face to face meeting or product presentation
Clients can return on it, maybe going through all those detailed matters once more, at the time most suitable for them, just using their workstation - web browser for video watching
For multimedia presentations, not needed any set up or installation work for utilization
Easy to use, simple to update - manage - customize content-duration matters on your side
More visibility with less printed brochure material expenses, all videos available through web
Available as qp hosted SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) service
Customizing presentations, chapter selections in use as pre-defined user profiles
For sharing your detailed product information in secure way, not available on public share
Modern way to keep your vip persons, key customers interested in your product efforts
More up to date information of your product and product development doings to decision makers
Managing users, passwords, content matters (chapter selections) of the presentations